Message from the President

Challenging New Fields with the Highest Standards in Valve Technology
As Nippon Ball Value welcomes its 55th anniversary, we are certainly proud of the experience we have gained at oil and steel factories, power plants and other essential industries and we know we must continue to provide even better products for our customers by focusing in on the continually diversifying needs of our customers so that we can meet their expectations without taking for granted the trust that our customers have entrusted in us.
Now that we stand at a point a half century after our founding, we are taking new steps forward while continuing with the great things we have started since the founding our company. The first step from a public welfare standpoint is growing into an organization that can contribute to human society by moving forward with the application of environmentally-friendly technologies that reduce global issues such as CO2 and the securing of water sources. Furthermore, we have also started developing technologies related to underground energy sources which is expected to grow in the future and the securing of alternative energy sources is also an urgent task. We are moving forward with the creation of products we have never created before such as challenging the limits of products for low temperature regions such as methane hydrate and collecting information related to powders which is indispensable in utilizing new materials such as those used for batteries and carbon fiber.
NBV creates the world’s highest standards for metal touch ball valves. That is our mission.
Our Goal is to Increase Locations Worldwide
We are certain that NBV’s market share will increase throughout the world in the near future. Whether a company succeeds overseas comes down to their employees. When setting our sights on expanding overseas, we must not only learn the language of the land and respect the culture and customs of the other country, we must also handle things with our own originality and corporate structure. Therefore, we must also train our employees to handle this responsibility.
The word “Kokkishin” is one of my favorite words which roughly translates to “self-control” in English and I always keep it in the back of my mind as a guide for my actions. When cultivating talented individuals at our company, this word is constantly on my mind. When creating the world’s top quality products with a high level of expertise, what are the technologies that we believe in and what are the unchallenged policies that we follow? We must be unwavering and true to our own convictions in our work. I believe this type of dedication is essential to winning the trust of customers around the world.
New products are created because there is a need for them, but truly great products have the ability to sell themselves.
In order to create products that will perform well globally, we must analyze markets in other countries and stay on top of the potential needs of customers which will test our foresight. The only way to achieve this is through human factors such as the imagination and intellectual curiosity of each employee and their passion for manufacturing. Each one of us must have great dreams to fulfill and challenge ourselves without being afraid of failure. If we create products with performance that stands up to the most severe high temperature, high pressure and the opposite, extreme cold temperature environments, having our products contribute to space development is no longer a dream. That is because these sorts of extreme environments require products with unwavering reliability.
I am determined together with our employees to pioneer new fields with our technical capabilities and expand our presence around the world.
Nippon Ball Valve Co., Ltd.
President and CEO
Koji Nakanishi